- +L'Éveil d'Éden
- AAC Light-Heavyweight
- Futures Rewritten
- Ultimates (Legacy)
- Trials I (Extreme)
- Trials (Unreal)
- Dungeons (Endgame)
- Alliance Raids (Chaotic)
- Jeuno: The First Walk
- Dungeons (Criterion Legacy)
- Delubrum Reginae
- +Endwalker
- +Shadowbringers
- +Stormblood
- Le fléau d'Ultima
- Le Labyrinthe de Bahamut
- Donjons (Endgame)
- Primordiaux (extrême)
- Oméga : Alphastice (sadique)
- Oméga : Sigmastice (sadique)
- Oméga : Deltastice (sadique)
- Le Monastère d'Orbonne
- Le Phare de Ridorana
- La Cité royale de Rabanastre
- Oméga : Alphastice (épopée)
- Oméga : Sigmastice (épopée)
- Oméga : Deltastice (épopée)
- +Heavensward
- +Challenges
- +Tous les boss
- +Normal
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +5.0 Patch
- +5.0-5.1
- +Composition standard
- +Sans sauts de trash
- +Sans restrictions de CD de 3 minutes et plus
- Sans restrictions de CD de 3 minutes et plus
- Avec restrictions de CD de 3 minutes et plus
- La catégorie restreinte limite l'utilisation de CD de 3 minutes et plus pour empêcher les joueurs de se déconnecter entre les boss.
Entrer un nom ou l'identifiant dans le champ ci-dessous. Ces sorts correspond aux joueurs qui étaient à l'origine de l’événement. Par exemple, quand un joueur lance un sort, inflige des dégâts ou soigne avec un sort, applique un sort de renforcement et à l'inverse à affaiblir. Vous pouvez rechercher l'identifiant dans le menu déroulant des sorts d'un rapport
Entrer un nom ou un ID dans le champ ci-dessous. Ces entrées vont correspondre si des joueurs les ont équipé. Il est possible d'entrer des IDs de gemmes ou reliques spécifiques. Il est possible d'obtenir dans un rapport le sommaire des ID d'objets pour des joueurs spécifiques
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Chargement des données...
The first produced kill video for this Challenge will be featured here!
Vaincre Eden Prime en mode sauvage. Les restrictions supplémentaires suivantes s'appliquent.
- Aucune mort ne peut survenir lors de la rencontre.
- Une composition standard (2 chars, 2 guérisseurs) est requise.
- Vice de l'apathie - Chaque joueur atteint par le vice de l'apathie doit être éclaboussé par le vice de l'apathie d'un autre joueur, c'est-à-dire divisé en deux groupes de deux DPS chacun.
- Vice de la vanité - Tous les joueurs affectés par le vice de la vanité doivent s'empiler et s'éclabousser l'un l'autre.
- Vice du voleur - Les guérisseurs doivent passer Vice of Thievery directement aux donneurs de dégâts (c'est-à-dire, pas aux chars), et ceux-ci ne peuvent le passer à personne d'autre.
- Vice of Pride - Pas plus de 4 joueurs peuvent être regroupés pour Vice of Pride, c'est-à-dire , la moitié du groupe ne peut être dans la pile pour aucun des chars.
- Vice de la paresse - Les joueurs touchés par Vice de la paresse doivent subir les dégâts seuls. Ils ne peuvent pas s'empiler avec un partenaire.
- Vice de la cupidité - Les guérisseurs doivent remettre le Vice de la cupidité directement aux chars, et les chars ne peuvent le passer à personne d'autre.
- Les Gardiens du Paradis doivent mourir dans les 15 secondes après être devenus ciblables.
- Les sphères arcaniques doivent mourir dans les 3 secondes après être devenues ciblables.
No guild has accomplished this Challenge yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that FF Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@fflogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Challenge and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
The first produced kill video for this Challenge will be featured here!
Defeat Voidwalker on Savage Difficulty. The following additional restrictions apply.
- No deaths can occur in the encounter.
- A standard composition (2 tanks, 2 healers) is required.
- Before the final Hand of Erebos, you may only stand in the southern half of the room. If any player's Y coordinate as defined by combat replay is ever less than 100, then the challenge is failed.
- After the final Hand of Erebos finishes in P5, you may only use one quarter of the room. Either the southwest or southeast corner may be used as needed after dodging the Hand. This means your X-coordinate as defined by replay must be <= 100 (for the left side) or >= 100 (for the right side) for the rest of the fight after the hand has resolved.
- You may only use the west side of the boss or the east side of the boss to handle Doomvoid Cleaver. Every player's x-coordinate must be <= the boss's x coordinate. or every player's x-coordinate must be >= the boss's x-coordinate.
- Four players must be debuffed by Stone Curse at least once during the fight, and no more than 2 players may be debuffed at a time.
- Every player must fail Equilibrium at least once during the fight, and no more than 4 players may fail each Equilibrium.
- No more than 4 players may stack for Unholy Darkness.
No guild has accomplished this Challenge yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that FF Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@fflogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Challenge and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
The first produced kill video for this Challenge will be featured here!
Defeat Leviathan on Savage Difficulty. The following additional restrictions apply.
- No deaths can occur in the encounter.
- A standard composition (2 tanks, 2 healers) is required.
- Begin the fight with a designated partner. You must always be within 8 yalms of your partner, and you cannot be within 8 yalms of any other players. Exceptions to this rule include 2 seconds following the Sundering Tsunami and Surging Tsunami knockbacks, during Temporary Current casts, and up to 3 seconds after Temporary Current is cast.
- You must change partners during the Temporary Current casts (and up to 3 seconds after). The double currents after Refreshing Shower only require you to swap partners once. You must cycle through all players in your group before you can have a player as your partner again. You must go through partners in the exact same order each cycle, i.e., your 8th partner must be the same as your 1st, your 9th partner must be the same as your 2nd, etc.
- All damage that targets your partner, you MUST share. This means being splashed by damage on your partner when possible, and being hit by the same attacks as your partner when possible. (Includes: Freak Wave, Rip Current, Scouring Tsunami, Sweeping Tsunami, Smothering Tsunami, Spilling Wave),
No guild has accomplished this Challenge yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that FF Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@fflogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this Challenge and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
To learn more about how rankings work on the site, you can read the rankings guide. A rank with a dark gold background is considered "at risk", since it is using tricks that will likely be hotfixed at some point in the future. If an in-game hotfix is released, then the rank will be removed. Removed ranks have a dark red background.