I just quit FFXIV because of FFlogs. It has made raiding too toxic for me. I know i know, come on with the typical "git gud" and "oh someone must suck" jokes, but honestly......I'm so sick of seeing absurd fflogs requirements, even for party finder groups. You have a ilvl 393 tank struggling to get into groups because my fflogs is grey
I have run into groups with these absurd fflogs demands. Even people who are yet to clear 12S or were few weeks behind me in progress will not take me because I have not fight proper speed run groups to get me a good parse.. that or I have not spend hours optimizing content which I can and have easily cleared without extreme-dps-oriented strategies. It's so frustrating. How do you get in there and try to work your way up the ranks if everyone is refusing you because of a a stupid fflogs score!?!?There is so much more to a person and their ability to play a character, and there are so many other things that go into a raidi ending badly. fflogs doesn't take that into account when they automatically slap you with a number. It doesn't check your number of deaths on non-uploaded parses or wipes that you cause for getting a good parse. It doesn't reward you for going into tank stance and taunting to make up for a main tank's death (which is very detrimental to a tank's dps). It doesn't account for good sportsmanship in party finders where you are willing to adjust outside your comfort zones so the group can get a kill. Many players who I personally have grouped with had great fflogs score, but they just insulted people, refused to adjust and left the party finder group shortly after; killing the entire group that took hours to make. fflogs also penalizes jobs with tank stances or healing ability for trying to make up for other people's mistakes. I believe it is keeping players from tanking or healing in raids now; everyone wants to heal with ogcd only and some find that gameplay incredibly dull. what is wrong with tank stance? or aggro combo? or using physick? It's stuff like this, and meters being more important than mechanics, that makes me hate FFXIV endgame now. No other MMO has so much emphasis on trying to make you feel like utter crap about yourself and ruin your chances at getting into even the most basic groups, even if you out level the requirements by a mile (high ilevel / experience). This is just absurd man. I did like this game but fflogs has won. Because now I find everything i do inside raiding to be a toxic waste of time because all that matters is your percentile. I unsubbed the game and I have been mostly doing relaxing content like dungeons and Eureka. I don't have an insane amount of time to keep practicing a boss long after our clears; for getting a log that's above green, barely enough time to down raids efficiently. This game used to be fun where you struggled together with friends. Now it is just a job with all those stats up on fflogs. I don't want to work outside of work. It is almost like instagram where everyone is posting the best pictures of their lives (sometimes completely fabricated), except that if you don't look like you have a fulfilling life you are kept from living at all. isn't it ok to be boring and grey?
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Raids sadiques, Raids Fatals
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