Implementation Notes
Gets an array of Zone objects. Each zone corresponds to a raid/dungeon instance in the game and has its own set of encounters.
Response Class
Zone {id (integer): A unique identifier representing this specific zone.,name (string): The English name of the raid zone.,frozen (boolean): Whether or not the rankings and statistics for the zone are frozen. If set, then the results for this zone are never going to change, and you don't have to fetch them again.,encounters (Array[Encounter): The encounters for this zone.,brackets (Array[Bracket, optional): The brackets for this zone. Rankings and statistics are collected for each bracket.}
Encounter {id (integer): A unique identifier representing this specific encounter.,name (string): The English name of the encounter.,npcID (integer, optional): A unique identifier representing the NPC ID for the zone (WoW Only). Used to feed into WoW's progression API.}
Bracket {id (integer): A unique identifier representing this specific rankings bracket.,name (string): An explanation of what the bracket contains.}[ { "id": 0, "name": "string", "frozen": true, "encounters": [ { "id": 0, "name": "string", "npcID": 0 } ], "brackets": [ { "id": 0, "name": "string" } ] } ]
Request URL
Response Body
Response Code
Response Headers
Implementation Notes
Gets an array of Class objects. Each Class corresponds to a class in the game.
Response Class
Class {id (integer): A unique identifier representing this specific class.,name (string): The English name of the class.,specs (Array[Spec): The possible specs for this class.}
Spec {id (integer): A unique identifier representing this specific spec.,name (string): The English name of the spec.}[ { "id": 0, "name": "string", "specs": [ { "id": 0, "name": "string" } ] } ]
Request URL
Response Body
Response Code
Response Headers
Implementation Notes
Gets an object that contains a total count and an array of EncounterRanking objects and a total number of rankings for that encounter. Each EncounterRanking corresponds to a single character or guild/team.
Response Class
EncounterRankings {total (integer): The total number of rankings given the specified filters.,rankings (Array[EncounterRanking): An array of EncounterRanking objects.}
EncounterRanking {name (string, optional): The name of the character that obtained the ranking.,total (double, optional): For individual rankings, the DPS/HPS value.,class (long, optional): For individual rankings, the class of the character.,spec (long, optional): For individual rankings, the spec of the character.,guild (string, optional): The name of the guild that obtained the ranking.,server (string, optional): The server that the ranking was obtained on.,region (string, optional): The short name of the region that the server belongs to.,duration (double, optional): The length of the fight/run in milliseconds.,startTime (double, optional): A timestamp with millisecond precision that indicates when the fight/run happened.,damageTaken (double, optional): For fight rankings, how much damage was taken over the course of the fight.,deaths (double, optional): For fight rankings, how much people died on the fight.,itemLevel (double, optional): For fight rankings, the average item level of the raid. For character rankings, the item level of the character.,patch (double, optional): For challenge mode rankings, what patch they were obtained in.,reportID (string, optional): The report ID that contains this ranking.,fightID (double, optional): The fight ID within the report for the fight that contains this ranking.,team (Array[TeamMember, optional): For challenge mode rankings, the team members that made up the team.,size (long, optional): The size of the raid. Only set for flexible size raids. Remember that flexible raid sizes are all ranked together currently.}
TeamMember {name (string, optional): The name of the character on the team.,class (long, optional): The class of the character on the team.,spec (long, optional): The spec of the character on the team.}{ "total": 0, "rankings": [ { "name": "string", "total": 0, "class": 0, "spec": 0, "guild": "string", "server": "string", "region": "string", "duration": 0, "startTime": 0, "damageTaken": 0, "deaths": 0, "itemLevel": 0, "patch": 0, "reportID": "string", "fightID": 0, "team": [ { "name": "string", "class": 0, "spec": 0 } ], "size": 0 } ] }
Request URL
Response Body
Response Code
Response Headers
Implementation Notes
Gets an array of CharacterRanking objects. Each CharacterRanking corresponds to a single rank on a fight for the specified character.
Response Class
CharacterRanking {rank (long, optional): The rank achieved by the character.,outOf (long, optional): The total number of parses. You can use the 'rank' and 'outOf' fields to determine a percentage.,total (double, optional): For individual rankings, the DPS/HPS value.,class (long, optional): For individual rankings, the class of the character.,spec (long, optional): For individual rankings, the spec of the character.,guild (string, optional): The name of the guild that the character belonged to when they obtained the ranking.,duration (double, optional): The length of the fight/run in milliseconds.,startTime (double, optional): A timestamp with millisecond precision that indicates when the fight/run happened.,itemLevel (double, optional): For fight rankings, the average item level of the raid. For character rankings, the item level of the character.,patch (double, optional): For challenge mode rankings, what patch they were obtained in.,reportID (string, optional): The report ID that contains this ranking.,fightID (double, optional): The fight ID within the report for the fight that contains this ranking.,difficulty (long, optional): The difficulty setting that this rank was for.,size (long, optional): The size of the raid. Remember that flexible raid sizes are all ranked together currently.,estimated (boolean, optional): Whether or not this ranking was estimated (if it was outside the cutoff limit of 500).}[ { "rank": 0, "outOf": 0, "total": 0, "class": 0, "spec": 0, "guild": "string", "duration": 0, "startTime": 0, "itemLevel": 0, "patch": 0, "reportID": "string", "fightID": 0, "difficulty": 0, "size": 0, "estimated": true } ]
Request URL
Response Body
Response Code
Response Headers
Implementation Notes
Obtains all parses for a character in the zone across all specs. Every parse is included and not just rankings.
Response Class
CharacterRanking {rank (long, optional): The rank achieved by the character.,outOf (long, optional): The total number of parses. You can use the 'rank' and 'outOf' fields to determine a percentage.,total (double, optional): For individual rankings, the DPS/HPS value.,class (long, optional): For individual rankings, the class of the character.,spec (long, optional): For individual rankings, the spec of the character.,guild (string, optional): The name of the guild that the character belonged to when they obtained the ranking.,duration (double, optional): The length of the fight/run in milliseconds.,startTime (double, optional): A timestamp with millisecond precision that indicates when the fight/run happened.,itemLevel (double, optional): For fight rankings, the average item level of the raid. For character rankings, the item level of the character.,patch (double, optional): For challenge mode rankings, what patch they were obtained in.,reportID (string, optional): The report ID that contains this ranking.,fightID (double, optional): The fight ID within the report for the fight that contains this ranking.,difficulty (long, optional): The difficulty setting that this rank was for.,size (long, optional): The size of the raid. Remember that flexible raid sizes are all ranked together currently.,estimated (boolean, optional): Whether or not this ranking was estimated (if it was outside the cutoff limit of 500).}[ { "rank": 0, "outOf": 0, "total": 0, "class": 0, "spec": 0, "guild": "string", "duration": 0, "startTime": 0, "itemLevel": 0, "patch": 0, "reportID": "string", "fightID": 0, "difficulty": 0, "size": 0, "estimated": true } ]
Request URL
Response Body
Response Code
Response Headers
Implementation Notes
Gets an array of Report objects. Each Report corresponds to a single calendar report for the specified guild.
Response Class
Report {id (string, optional): The report code. Can be viewed on the site with the URL string of /reports/<code>.,title (string, optional): The title for the report.,owner (string, optional): The name of the user that uploaded the report.,zone (long, optional): The zone that the report is for. A value of -1 indicates that the zone for the report is not known.,startTime (double, optional): A UNIX timestamp with millisecond precision, indicating the start time of the report as far as logged events.,endTime (double, optional): A UNIX timestamp with millisecond precision, indicating the end time of the report as far as logged events.}[ { "id": "string", "title": "string", "owner": "string", "zone": 0, "startTime": 0, "endTime": 0 } ]
Request URL
Response Body
Response Code
Response Headers
Implementation Notes
Gets an array of Report objects. Each Report corresponds to a single calendar report for the specified user's personal logs.
Response Class
Report {id (string, optional): The report code. Can be viewed on the site with the URL string of /reports/<code>.,title (string, optional): The title for the report.,owner (string, optional): The name of the user that uploaded the report.,zone (long, optional): The zone that the report is for. A value of -1 indicates that the zone for the report is not known.,startTime (double, optional): A UNIX timestamp with millisecond precision, indicating the start time of the report as far as logged events.,endTime (double, optional): A UNIX timestamp with millisecond precision, indicating the end time of the report as far as logged events.}[ { "id": "string", "title": "string", "owner": "string", "zone": 0, "startTime": 0, "endTime": 0 } ]
Request URL
Response Body
Response Code
Response Headers
Implementation Notes
Gets arrays of fights and the participants in those fights. Each Fight corresponds to a single pull of a boss.
Response Class
Report {id (string, optional): The report code. Can be viewed on the site with the URL string of /reports/<code>.,title (string, optional): The title for the report.,owner (string, optional): The name of the user that uploaded the report.,zone (long, optional): The zone that the report is for. A value of -1 indicates that the zone for the report is not known.,startTime (double, optional): A UNIX timestamp with millisecond precision, indicating the start time of the report as far as logged events.,endTime (double, optional): A UNIX timestamp with millisecond precision, indicating the end time of the report as far as logged events.}[ { "id": "string", "title": "string", "owner": "string", "zone": 0, "startTime": 0, "endTime": 0 } ]
Request URL
Response Body
Response Code
Response Headers
Implementation Notes
Gets a set of events based off the view you're asking for. This exactly corresponds to the Events view on the site.
Response Class
Report {id (string, optional): The report code. Can be viewed on the site with the URL string of /reports/<code>.,title (string, optional): The title for the report.,owner (string, optional): The name of the user that uploaded the report.,zone (long, optional): The zone that the report is for. A value of -1 indicates that the zone for the report is not known.,startTime (double, optional): A UNIX timestamp with millisecond precision, indicating the start time of the report as far as logged events.,endTime (double, optional): A UNIX timestamp with millisecond precision, indicating the end time of the report as far as logged events.}[ { "id": "string", "title": "string", "owner": "string", "zone": 0, "startTime": 0, "endTime": 0 } ]
Request URL
Response Body
Response Code
Response Headers
Implementation Notes
Gets a table of entries, either by actor or ability, of damage, healing and cast totals for each entry. This API exactly follows what is returned for the Tables panes on the site. It can and will change as the needs of those panes do, and as such should never be considered a frozen API. Use at your own risk.
Response Class
Report {id (string, optional): The report code. Can be viewed on the site with the URL string of /reports/<code>.,title (string, optional): The title for the report.,owner (string, optional): The name of the user that uploaded the report.,zone (long, optional): The zone that the report is for. A value of -1 indicates that the zone for the report is not known.,startTime (double, optional): A UNIX timestamp with millisecond precision, indicating the start time of the report as far as logged events.,endTime (double, optional): A UNIX timestamp with millisecond precision, indicating the end time of the report as far as logged events.}[ { "id": "string", "title": "string", "owner": "string", "zone": 0, "startTime": 0, "endTime": 0 } ]
Request URL
Response Body
Response Code
Response Headers